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Camera Use Policy

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The Harry Ransom Center allows researchers consulting collection items in the Reading Room to photograph them in accordance with the Materials Use Policy, unless otherwise restricted.

  1. To protect others' privacy, do not photograph the Reading Room, other researchers, or staff.

  2. Use only cameras, cell phones or related hand-held photographic devices. Disable clicks and audible alerts whenever possible. We are unable to accommodate tripods, camera flash, laptop cameras, desktop scanners, videography, or special lighting. For your safety and the security of our collections, do not stand on tables or chairs.

  3. Staff are available to assist you with handling materials carefully. Support bound volumes in a book cradle without applying pressure to the book spine. Photograph unbound material in the order in which it is housed in its original folder. Photographs must not be removed from their protective enclosures. Unbound materials must remain flat on the table.

  4. When photographing items, document complete and accurate source information. We suggest photographing each item along with its corresponding Aeon slip. This information will be needed in publication citations and should you need to order publication-quality images.

  5. If source material is in the public domain, and you have created a research account and agreed this policy, free and unrestricted use of your own photography of collection material is permitted. Researchers are responsible for determining the public domain status of materials prior to publication, including publication online and via social media platforms. The Center maintains an online list of copyright resources that may assist with determining public domain status.

  6. We assume most researcher photography will be used primarily for reference and research purposes. For use of reproductions of Center materials in a print or online publication, performance, broadcast, or motion picture or sound recording, we recommend researchers order high-quality digital reproductions from the Center. Fees for this service are assessed on a partial cost-recovery basis.

  7. With the exception of material in the public domain, we require a completed Notification of Intent for use of photographs in publication; additional fees may apply. If copyright law or other restrictions protect material being used, researchers are responsible for obtaining necessary permission from any rights holders. The Center maintains the online WATCH database identifying some copyright holders. For more information consult the Center's Materials Use Policy.

  8. The Center permits researcher photography within fair use and other provisions of U.S. Copyright Law. Researchers taking photographs of collection material accept full responsibility for any infringement of copyright and should seek legal counsel if they have questions about copyright liability.

  9. The Center reserves the right to deny requests or revoke photographic privileges.

Copyright Notice
The Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement. The user agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Harry Ransom Center and The University of Texas at Austin against all claims, demands, costs and expenses incurred by copyright infringement or any other legal or regulatory cause of action arising from the use of Center materials.

August 14, 2019

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