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Reproduction, Publication, and Use Fees

Reproduction fees

The Center charges for reproduction, and for some publications and uses, on a partial cost-recovery basis. Fees offset a small portion of the Center's costs associated with processing, preserving, and servicing of its collections. Fees are subject to change and will be reviewed every two years. Acceptance of any order is subject to administrative approval and compliance with the Center's Material Use Policy. Click here for the Photoduplication Order Form.

Payment and delivery times:

  • Payment is required before reproductions can be initiated.
  • Mastercard, Visa, and American Express are preferred forms of payment.
  • Delivery times vary depending on such factors as complexity of the order; and format, condition or fragility of the original. Staff can provide an estimate of delivery time on request.
  • Rush orders are not accepted.
  • Orders are limited to 350 items per six-month period, regardless of format. The Center is unable to digitize an entire archive on demand.

Digital imaging:

  • Unless otherwise specified, images will be in color and will include the color scale.
  • Most orders are supplied via download link, including high-resolution images and large orders of low-resolution images. Requests for ten low-resolution images or fewer will be emailed whenever possible.
  • For materials requiring special handling, as well as for very high-resolution imaging, additional set-up fees will be determined, on a case-by-case basis.

Service fee, per order placed: $10.00

Fees for digital imaging:

  • High-resolution images for publication
    • TIFFs or JPEGs, per image $25.00
    • Panoramic negatives: scanning and stitching $40.00
  • Low-resolution images for reference or research purposes
    • PDF reference copies or printouts, per image (including from microfilm) $0.70
    • JPEGs, per image $7.00
    • Flattened images of tightly bound books or manuscripts:
      • Additional, per PDF image $0.10
      • Additional, per JPEG image $1.00

Audio, film, or video:

  • Reference copies from some collections may be ordered; researchers may be asked to obtain permission from copyright holders in advance.
  • Duplication fees will apply, with cost of media included.

Fees for audio, film, or video:

  • Reproduction from existing master, per order $30.00
  • Reproduction from original media, per hour (2 hr minimum) $30.00

Notification of intent, and publication and use fees:

  • The Center is eager to learn how its collections are being used and requests that all researchers provide notification of forthcoming or recent publications using the Notification of Intent form.
  • Researchers are responsible for determining the copyright status of collection materials, prior to publication, including publication online and via social media platforms. If copyright law or other restrictions protect materials being used, researchers are responsible for obtaining necessary permission from any rights holders. The Center maintains the online WATCH database identifying some copyright holders, a guide to locating those not listed, and other copyright resources, including a list of collections for which the Center holds copyright.
  • Ransom Center collection materials that are in the public domain may be used and published without restriction, and are not subject to publication or use fees.
  • For collection materials not in the public domain, authorization to publish, use, quote extensively from, or exhibit facsimiles must be obtained in advance and in writing from the Harry Ransom Center by completing the Notification of Intent form. A publication or use fee may be applicable, in addition to any reproduction fees or fees that might be assessed by a copyright holder.
  • Fees are for non-exclusive use and must be paid in advance of publication, including for new or revised editions.
  • Publication and use fees are waived for all theses, dissertations, and student projects, and for University of Texas System faculty, staff, and students.

Fees for publication and use:

Books (per still image)


Print run

One-time use /
One language /
One country

One-time use /
One language / Worldwide

One-time use /
All languages /

2,000 copies or less

no fee

no fee

no fee

2,001–5,000 copies




5,001–100,000 copies




100,001 or more copies




E-book only (i.e., no print copies)




Electronic/Internet formats (per project): $25 scholarly or non-profit, $200 commercial or for profit
Jacket/Cover illustrations: triple fee specified above

Periodicals (per still image)


Print run

One-time use /
One language /
One country

One-time use /
One language /

One-time use /
All languages /

10,000 or less

no fee

no fee

no fee





100,001 or more




E-journal only (i.e. no print copies)




Electronic/Internet formats (per project): $25 scholarly or non-profit, $200 commercial or for profit
Jacket/Cover illustrations: triple fee specified above

Other Print Products (per still image)


One-time use / All languages / Worldwide

1,000 or less




10,000 or more


CD, DVD (per still image, or file)

One-time use / All languages / Worldwide


2,000 copies or less


2,001 or more copies, or digital


Jacket/Cover illustrations: triple fee specified above


Internet (per still image, or file)


Scholarly or non-profit


Commercial or for profit


Broadcast (per still image, or file)


One-country use, single language only


World use, single language only


World use, all languages


Documentary (per still image, or file)


U.S. distribution


World distribution, or Streaming


Exhibition (per still image, or file)


Scholarly or non-profit


Commercial or for profit


Audio and Moving Images


Scholarly or non-profit, per second

$1.00 ($100 minimum)

Commercial or for profit, per second

$2.00 ($200 minimum)

November 13, 2024

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