Search Tips
Tip: | If you are unsure of the spelling, use a truncated form of the name. | |
Example: | A search on surname "Becke" retrieves "Beckett" as well as "Becket". | |
Tip: | For distinctive surnames it is generally unnecessary to enter more than the first initial of the forename, and often there is no need to enter the forename at all. | |
Example: | There is only one Achebe and only one MacNeice in WATCH. | |
Tip: | For distinctive names, very much shortened search terms will save time and still be successful. | |
Example: | A search on surname "Zep" retrieves "Benjamin Zephaniah". | |
Tip: | For compound surnames, you may search by either part of the name. | |
Example: | Mario Vargas Llosa can be found by searching either "Vargas" or "Llosa." |