Nadia Sophie Seiler Workshop Series
Wikidata and 21st Century Special Collections
Virtual Workshop, Wednesday, October 21 & Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Leveraging Wikidata practices to enhance access and discovery of special collections materials
As libraries move from a stage of experimentation with Linked Open Data to one of production, it is vital for the special collections community not to be left behind. Central to the library community’s Linked Open Data strategy is Wikidata, an open knowledge base supported by an active community of practitioners sharing a commitment to contribute to open culture.
By participating in the creation and enhancement of Wikidata items related to their unique materials, special collections institutions can leverage the benefits of linked data for access and discovery without any of the local infrastructure associated costs. Yet, it is fundamental to develop understanding and skill among library staff in order to participate fully in the linked data creation process.
The Ransom Center is pleased to host this Wiki Education virtual workshop that will introduce participants to Wikidata’s technical, procedural, and cultural practices through two collaborative sessions over the course of two weeks. No previous experience with Wikidata is necessary. Participants are expected to attend both sessions and encouraged to complete all course assignments.
About the Workshops
The Nadia Sophie Seiler workshops are made possible by the generosity of the Nadia Sophie Seiler Memorial Fund. Attendance is free and open to the campus community.
Past Workshops
Wikidata and 21st Century Special Collections
October 21 & 28, 2020
Leveraging Wikidata practices to enhance access and discovery of special collections materials.MarcEdit and 21st Century Special Collections
August 26, 2019
Remediation and enhancement of MARC data with focus on special collections description needs. Featuring: Terry Reese, developer of MarcEdit
Paloma Graciani Picardo
Metadata Librarian and
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