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News Release — October 27, 2020

International collaboration will lead to online archive of Dylan Thomas’ work

A digital collection of manuscripts and photographs related to the Welsh poet and writer Dylan Thomas will soon be available online thanks to an international collaboration.

Manuscripts, correspondence, notebooks, drawings, financial records, photographs, proofs, and broadcast scripts of the famous Swansea-born poet, whose works include the poem Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night, and the play Under Milk Wood, among many others, will be made available worldwide through a collaboration that includes the Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas, Swansea University, and the Dylan Thomas Trust.

“This initiative promises to deepen our understanding of Dylan Thomas’ creative process and lead to new insights into his poetry and other writings,” said Stephen Enniss, Betty Brumbalow Director of the Harry Ransom Center. “We are grateful for this collaboration with Swansea University and grateful, too, to the Dylan Thomas Trust which has made it possible for us to share the collection with his readers everywhere.”

Collections related to Dylan Thomas are held by multiple institutions internationally, and the Ransom Center holds the world’s largest collection, which includes manuscripts, letters, and photographs that trace the origins of his major works and the evolution of a young writer. This project involves digitizing everything in Thomas’ hand, from letters and manuscripts to sketches and works of art. The collection also features notebooks, screenplays, radio broadcasts and radio plays.

Thomas was born on October 27, 1914 in Uplands, Swansea, and died on November 9, 1953 in New York City. During his lifetime he wrote many great poems, including Fern Hill, The Hunchback in the Park and, of course, Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night. He also is well-known for writing the play for voices Under Milk Wood, and the collection of stories, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog.

“The Dylan Thomas Trust is delighted to partner with the Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas and Swansea University in order to realize this ambitious and hugely significant project,” said Hannah Ellis, Thomas’ granddaughter and Manager of the Dylan Thomas Trust. “The digitized archive will help people to further understand the meticulous craft that my grandfather put into his work.”

Swansea University’s Richard Burton Archives holds the ‘lost’ fifth notebook, working manuscripts of the poems Unluckily for a Death and Into Her Lying Down Head, and rare proof copies of several of his works. Its annual Swansea University Dylan Thomas Prize, one of the most prestigious international awards for young writers, is awarded to the best published literary work in the English language written by an author aged 39 or under.

Peter Stead, founder and president of the Swansea University Dylan Thomas Prize, said: “Dylan Thomas’ spell-binding words and performances conquered London and North America and identified him as one of the most influential writers of the mid twentieth century. The Prize established in his name has captured the imagination of writers internationally.”

Professor Martin Stringer, Pro Vice-Chancellor of Swansea University, said: “As the custodians of some significant material relating to Dylan Thomas, and reflecting our commitment to increasing the role of Thomas’ work in education, we are honoured to be part of this collaboration that seeks to make the world’s largest Dylan Thomas collection more globally accessible.”

By the end of next year, an online repository of Thomas materials housed at the Ransom Center will be available to the public through a digital collections portal on its website for use by researchers and for the enjoyment of Dylan Thomas enthusiasts around the world.

Datganiad Newyddion — Hydref 27, 2020

Prosiect rhyngwladol yn arwain at archif ar-lein o waith Dylan Thomas

Mi fydd casgliad digidol o lawysgrifau a ffotograffau sy'n gysylltiedig â'r bardd a'r awdur Dylan Thomas, ar gael ar-lein cyn hir, diolch i gydweithrediad rhyngwladol.

Bydd llawysgrifau, gohebiaeth, llyfrau nodiadau, lluniadau, cofnodion ariannol, ffotograffau, proflenni, a sgriptiau darlledu'r awdur o Abertawe ar gael ledled y byd trwy gydweithrediad rhwng Canolfan Harry Ransom ym Mhrifysgol Texas, Phrifysgol Abertawe, ac Ymddiriedolaeth Dylan Thomas. Mi fydd rhai o ddarnau enwocaf Dylan Thomas, y gerdd Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night, a'r ddrama Under Milk Wood, ymhlith y gwaith fydd yn cael eu digideiddio.

“Mae’r fenter hon yn addo dyfnhau ein dealltwriaeth o broses greadigol Dylan Thomas ac arwain at fewnwelediadau newydd i’w farddoniaeth ac ysgrifau eraill,” meddai Stephen Enniss, Cyfarwyddwr Betty Brumbalow yng Nghanolfan Harry Ransom. “Rydym yn ddiolchgar am y cydweithrediad hwn â Phrifysgol Abertawe ac yn ddiolchgar hefyd i Ymddiriedolaeth Dylan Thomas sydd wedi ei gwneud yn bosibl i ni rannu’r casgliad gyda’i ddarllenwyr ledled y byd.”

Mae casgliadau sy’n gysylltiedig â Dylan Thomas ym meddiant sawl sefydliad ledled y byd, ac mae gan Ganolfan Ransom y casgliad mwyaf yn y byd, sy’n cynnwys llawysgrifau, llythyrau, a ffotograffau sy’n olrhain gwreiddiau ei weithiau mawr ac esblygiad awdur ifanc. Mae’r prosiect hwn yn cynnwys digideiddio popeth yn llawysgrifen Dylan Thomas, o lythyrau a llawysgrifau i frasluniau a gweithiau celf. Mae'r casgliad hefyd yn cynnwys llyfrau nodiadau, darllediadau radio a dramâu radio.

Ganwyd Dylan Thomas ar 27 Hydref 1914 yn ardal Uplands, Abertawe, a bu farw ar 9 Tachwedd 1953 yn Efrog Newydd. Yn ystod ei oes ysgrifennodd lawer o gerddi adnabyddus, gan gynnwys Fern Hill, The Hunchback in the Park ac, wrth gwrs, Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night. Mae hefyd yn adnabyddus am ysgrifennu'r ddrama radio Dan y Wenallt, a'r casgliad o straeon, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog.

Meddai Hannah Ellis, rheolwr Ymddiriedolaeth Dylan Thomas: “Mae Ymddiriedolaeth Dylan Thomas yn falch iawn o fod yn bartner gyda Chanolfan Harry Ransom ym Mhrifysgol Texas a Phrifysgol Abertawe er mwyn gwireddu’r prosiect uchelgeisiol a hynod arwyddocaol hwn. Bydd yr archif ddigidol yn helpu pobl i ddeall mwy am y grefft fanwl a roddodd fy nhad-cu yn ei waith.”

Mae gan Archifau Richard Burton Prifysgol Abertawe un o lyfrau nodiadau ‘coll’ yr awdur, llawysgrifau o’i gerddi Unluckily for a Death and Into Her Lying Down Head, a phroflenni prin o sawl un o’i weithiau. Dyfernir Gwobr Dylan Thomas Prifysgol Abertawe, un o'r gwobrau rhyngwladol mwyaf mawreddog, yn flynyddol i awduron ifanc am waith llenyddol cyhoeddedig gorau yn Saesneg sydd wedi'i ysgrifennu gan awdur 39 oed neu iau.

Meddai Peter Stead, sylfaenydd a llywydd Gwobr Dylan Thomas: “Llwyddodd dawn unigryw Dylan Thomas i sefydlu ei hun fel un o awduron mwyaf dylanwadol canol yr ugeinfed ganrif yn Llundain a Gogledd America. Mae’r Wobr a sefydlwyd yn ei enw yn sicr wedi dal dychymyg awduron yn rhyngwladol.”

Dywedodd yr Athro Martin Stringer, Dirprwy Is-ganghellor Prifysgol Abertawe: “Fel ceidwaid rhai o’r darnau sy’n ymwneud â Dylan Thomas, mae’n anrhydedd i ni fod yn rhan o’r prosiect hwn a fydd yn gwneud ei waith yn fwy hygyrch ledled y byd, ac mae hefyd yn adlewyrchu ein hymrwymiad i gynyddu rôl gwaith Thomas ym myd addysg.”

Erbyn diwedd y flwyddyn nesaf, bydd ystorfa ar-lein o ddeunyddiau Dylan Thomas a gedwir yng Nghanolfan Ransom ar gael i ymchwilwyr a’r cyhoedd trwy borth casgliadau digidol ar ei gwefan.

Dylan Thomas

Unidentified photographer, [Photograph of Dylan Thomas], undated. Dylan Thomas Collection. Harry Ransom Center.

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